
Saturday, April 20, 2013

my favorite American Poems of the 20th century(--favorite at the top, 10th favorite at the bottom):

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou:

Let America be America Again by Langston Hughes:

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost:

Howl by Allen Ginsberg:

Mother to Son by Langston Hughes:

This is Just to Say by william Carlos Williams:

The Red Wheelbarrow by william Carlos Williams:

The Sun by Mary Oliver:

Happiness by Mary Oliver:

Hug O'War
 by Shel Silverstein:

(The links are shown because the format didn't transfer onto this blog.)

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Cute Robot, For Purposes Unknown
This Ted Talks seemed a little silly to me. So its an iphone on wheels. So it has a little blue face that giggles. So what? Don't get me wrong--I am all for innovation and I think robots and new computer programs will play a big part in the future--but this doesn't seem like anything special. I doubt many people will buy this product.
'A skateboard, with a boost"
This ted talks was about a battery powered skateboard. This is an alternative to driving to get around the city and neighborhood one lives in. It is easily portable and is not a threat to the environment the way a car is with its pollution. And while I know this is not the alternative for everyone (like old people or people that find it dangerous), it could definitely work for some people, and it looks like a lot of fun. I really liked the innovative idea from this Ted Talks and would love to cruise around on one of those skateboards.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Monday, April 8, 2013

Winter Dreams
Judy Jones is eleven when Dexter decides he is miserably in love with her. She is spoiled and capricious, but Dexter is convinced of her flawlessness. It becomes quickly apparent that he is not truly in love with Judy--he is in love with the idea of Judy. Dexter gives up various jobs for Judy and gets richer. He is determined to be the sort of person she would approve of. They have a short relationship and then Judy moves on, leaving Dexter pining over her. Finally, Dexter finds Irene and proposes, but Judy comes back for him (she doesn't want anyone to get over her) and they are engaged. But then Dexter has to fight in the war and he comes back to find that Judy is married to someone else. Dexter has been consumed with thoughts, dreams, and hopes for Judy for most of his life by the time he finds that she is not the beauty she once was and realizes she was never perfect--far from it. Dexter then cries--realizing he was stupidly attached to his winter dream and wasted away much of his life.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Anderson's sophistication is an attemp to capture a pure or perfect love. George Willard is a village boy who's mother has recently died and because of this he has begun to see the world from a more uncertain and sophisticated stance. He is lonely. Helen White is the daughter of a banker and her mother is against her being with George. But after a walk through the fair grounds they know they are ment to be. It is predictable and overly poetic.  Anderson stresses that words are unimportant and it is the silence that brings George and Helen together. Throughout their stroll, George and Helen are caught in this kind of dazed spell as they quietly ponder life. I found it rather sappy, but to each their own.
Style Rookie
Tavi Gevinson was on Ted Talks because her blog--Style Rookie--has attracted millions of views. She talked about how women are often seen as simple and flat, with particular characteristics played up. Tavi stresses that women don't fit into these pretty little boxes of consistency and there is much more to them--more paradoxes and contradiction. Style Rookie is a blog for teenage girls to "figure themselves out" and be themselves. It lets girls express themselves and their many characteristics--you can be a feminist and stylish, you can care about how you look and not care about what guys think of you. I liked her confidence as she talked to so many people. While some people may complain that she made generalizations or was vague, that seems to be her point. She doesn't know exactly where this is going, but the purpose of her new web community is for girls to figure it out. I think that her community may help them do this, as they articulate themselves and discover others who share their impressions, intuitions and dreams, girls will likely come to accept themselves. (Also her blog is awesome! You should take a look.)