
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Advice for aspiring bakers
1. Stay stocked up on ingredients--keep some powdered milk, yeast, half-and half, vanilla, flour sugar, baking soda, just in case. That way, if you randomly decide you want to make, say, a cake, you will have the ingredients you need.
2. Learn how to cook eggs. Boiling stuff with eggs is a tricky business. You do not want your eggs to be cooked before the rest of your liquid/filling. I suggest learning how to cook eggs in recipes on youtube or somewhere else on the interwebs.
3. Set an alarm. You never think you will forget to take your baked good out of the oven, but you will.
4. Constantly clean up. Do not wait until you are finished or there will be too much to clean.
5. Use your creativity. Don't be afraid to make an elvis statue out of marzipan or a gingerbread Hogwarts!
6. Make deliveries during the holiday season. Whether or not you are charging for your goods, people love treats during the winter holiday season.
7. If you find that your crusts are floppy, add some cheddar cheese and powdered mustard and it makes it more sturdy and gives it shape. You can't really even taste it.
8. If you only make unhealthy baked goods, you will either have to deprive yourself of them or get fat. So learn how to make some healthy stuff. Substituting white flour for whole wheat flour and taking out some of the sugar in recipes are good options.
9.Give people treats. Do not hoard. Giving people yummies is a good way to make friends.
10. Have fun! Bake what you want to, when you want to.

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